The Effective Business Communication in English Seminar is an intensive training in English, during which its participants will learn proper and effective communication, both verbal and written, in English so as to increase their abilities to communicate with English Native Speakers. The method used in Effective Business Communication in English is based on advanced Canadian technique of teaching newly arrived in Canada, i.e., new Canadians and its purpose is to teach them very rapidly to communicate and socialize with English speaking people.
During the seminar its participants will learn to conduct effective phone calls and meetings in English, new vocabulary and nomenclature used in customer service and specific expressions, both verbal and written, frequently used in business. In addition, they will learn how and when to use formal communication and when and how to use informal communication. The participants will also learn how to make a business inquiry, how to effectively handle adjustments, both verbally and in writing, how to write effective business letters, business emails, adjustment letters, agreements, etc. They will also learn how to use proper language & expressions in business communication, especially with buyers & suppliers in a specific industry. In addition, they will also learn how to establish effective relations with foreigners.
- Review of the basic grammar in Englis.
- How to create different PRESENT tenses and how and when to use them.
- How to create different PAST tenses and how and when to use them.
- How to create different FUTURE tenses and how and when to use them.
- Parts of sentences and how to use them.
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Modifiers
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- How to create proper sentences in English.
- How to create proper paragraphs in English.
- Tenses and their consistent use.
- Principles of Effective Verbal Communication.
- Principles of effective written communication.
- Formal and informal English.
- When to use formal language and when to use informal one.
- Proper language & expressions in business communication.
- Proper communication with buyers & suppliers.
- How to establish effective relations with foreigners.
- How specific cultures influence their communication.
- A secret of LOW CONTEXT – HIGH CONTEXT relations.
- Effective Customer Service.
- Adjustments and how to handle them effectively.
- How to effectively handle adjustments in writing.
- Principles of writing effective letters.
- Principles of writing effective emails.
- Principles of writing effective adjustment letters.
- Principles of writing effective responses to adjustment letters.
- Principles of writing effective reports, etc.
- Summary and Conclusions.
The participants will learn:
- Proper grammar of the English language
- Proper communication in English with Native Speakers
- How to establish effective relations with foreigners.
- Parts of sentences and how to use them
- How to create proper sentences in English
- How to create proper paragraphs in English
- Tenses and their consistent use
- Principles of Effective Verbal Communication
- Principles of effective written communication
- Formal and informal English
- When to use formal language and when to use informal one
- Proper language & expressions in business communication
- Proper communication with buyers & suppliers
- How to establish effective relations with foreigners
- How specific cultures influence their communication
- A secret of LOW CONTEXT – HIGH CONTEXT relations
- Effective Customer Service
- Adjustments and how to handle them effectively
- How to effectively handle adjustments in writing
- Principles of writing effective business letters
- Principles of writing effective business emails
- Principles of writing effective adjustment letters
- Principles of writing effective responses to adjustment
- Principles of writing effective business reports, etc

The Effective Business Communication in English seminar is entirely conducted in English and has a workshop format. The seminar consists of theoretical part combined with multimedia presentations. During the seminar its participants will learn and study many practical styles of communications in English, will review actual case studies and will gain much of hands on experience. The participants will have the possibility to immediately test the acquired knowledge. The seminar ensures that the participants in additional to gaining knowledge on business communication will have plenty of possibilities, during the seminar, to apply this newly acquired knowledge in practice and test and improve their skills in business communication. During the seminar the participants will be working individually, in pairs and in groups. In addition, audio recordings, video recordings as well as tests and quizzes will be used.
Each Participant will receive a CERTIFICATE of completion of the seminar.
Matthew Boyd, M.B.A., B. Comm., C.F.E. – a Canadian businessmen and lecturer with over 30 years of ractical business experience. ecretary of the Committee of the Minister of Revenue Canada, taking minutes of meetings and writing minutes, protocols and correspondence for the President of the Committee and its various members. Experienced Auditor conducting full-fledged internal audits and writing concise and comprehensive reports and correspondence. Experienced business trainer and English language teacher, speaker and lecturer. Possesses many years of experience in preparing and conducting different business seminars. Developed an effective methodology to teach English and prepare his students for exams such as Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE, TOEFL, IELTS, LCCI English for Business, TOLES, GMAT, New High School Certificate in English, etc. Developed and conducted specific seminars in English such as Effective Business Negations in English, Legal English, Business English, English for Managers, Executive English, Effective Business Correspondence in English, Effective Public Speaking And Business Presentations in English and many, many more. Able to prepare any type of business seminar in English in accordance with his clients’ needs and wishes.
The benefits of our training.
A great deal of knowledge delivered by experienced trainers which you can immediately use in your work or private live. New tools which you can immediately implement in your workplace which will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your firm’s operations, gain new customers and improve your firm’s image. Training which is geared to your expectations and needs. Course manual and manuscript in paper and electronic form. Trainer’s support in a form of private consultations for the period of up to 6 months after the course. We choose the best catering during the entire course. Organize our seminars and business trainings in the most attractive locations, so that you can combine business with pleasure. The participants of our trainings retain a feeling of well spent time with us.
Why should you learn/train with us?
Our main priority is satisfaction of out Clients. Each and every language course or business training is based on our Clients needs and expectations. We make sure that in addition to gaining new knowledge and expertise our Clients, through brainstorming and discussions which take place during the training, gain also new experiences, inspirations and new ideas. We also make sure that our Clients gain a great deal of motivation to implement and use this newly acquired knowledge and expertise which will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Our trainings teach the newest business solutions and methods which provide our Clients with the completive advantage and give them a leg up on the competition. More over, they increase their and their employers’ effectiveness and efficiency. Our Clients fully understand and appreciate the process of continuous education and improvement of their skills since that is the main reason for their success. Satisfaction and appreciation of our Clients are the living proof that our seminars and courses provide a great deal of knowledge, are professional and are of the highest quality.