Our English language methodology is based on the most advanced Canadian language teaching methodology which delivers quick and effective results. Our students very rapidly learn to use the true, spoken and written English language and are able to effectively communicate with the Native Speakers. Success in our English language courses will enable you to compete in international market after getting equipped with common international language. In addition, our English language courses facilitate students’ admission to the World’s best universities – in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, etc. and obtaining better jobs.
Professional Business Training
Our Professional Business Seminars are the best in the business and provide practical, innovative and time-tested solutions. In addition, they increase their participants’ competitiveness on the job market and increase revenues and profits of their firms. Our business training seminars and workshops give their participants practical, hands-on problem-solving skills and are ideally tailored to their needs and expectations. The seminars/courses also provide their participants with new, practical knowledge and business skills as well as new abilities and skills in specific business areas. In addition, our business seminars teach effective implementations of the newly acquired skills and abilities, leading to the increase of effectiveness, efficiency and profitability of the participants of our seminars and their firms.
The knowledge which we provide at our seminars is practical, actual and time tested and is based on many years of practical experience and expertise. As a result, our English language courses and business training lead to the increase in competitiveness and improved business results of their participants.
We deliver on-site language or business training seminars. Our programs are customized to your specific needs and goals, with a primary focus on results. IBI possesses a diverse team of specialized experts, renowned for their expertise and thought leadership in the areas that define success in today’s business environment. Our practical and challenging training seminars produce immediate, measurable improvement in your business skills. We specialize in providing our training to national and multinational corporations, governments, and other organizations.
At IBI we provide development programs and negotiation training to our clients. We work with you to understand your challenges and performance needs. Our negotiation consultants come from your industry and will support you with a “complete” solution that embeds learning, measures capability and delivers sustainable change
Contact us today to discover how our seminars can transform your life and your, or your employer’s, profitability.
You can obtain more info at www. ibinstitution.com or at
phone: +48 660 182 410

Mattew Boyd
Matthew Boyd, M.B.A., B. Comm., C.F.E. – kanadyjski biznesman polskiego pochodzenia, członek stowarzyszeń i organizacji, takich jak: Certified Fraud Examiners Association, Angel Capital Group, Ottawa Angels Association, Canadian Chamber of Commerce i wielu innych.
Posiada ponad trzydziestoletnie doświadczenie w prowadzeniu skutecznych szkoleń z zakresu negocjacji, zarzadzania, leadershipu i innych. Współpracował z firmami na całym świecie: w Kanadzie, USA, Austrii, UK, Francji, Niemczech, Chinach, Rumunii, Polsce, Czechach i innych.
Aneta Chmielewska - Gładek
Trener biznesu i akredytowany coach. Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Trenerów Biznesu i International Coach Federation (ICF). Doświadczony, wieloletni praktyk sprzedaży oraz manager. Właścicielka firmy szkoleniowej Coach360. Absolwentka Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie.
Przygotowuje i prowadzi szkolenia łącząc swoje doświadczenia zdobyte w dużych korporacjach z branży bankowej, nieruchomości, call centre oraz w dyplomacji (Bank Austria Creditanstalt S.A., MetLife S.A., Metrohouse sp. z o.o., Ambasada Libii) z wiedzą teoretyczną. Wykorzystując różne narzędzia szkoleniowe oraz metody coachingowe, trenerskie i doradcze, wpływa na optymalne przyswajanie wiedzy przez uczestników szkoleń. Jest pełna pasji i kreatywności w dążeniu do uzyskania ponad przeciętnych osiągnięć w zespołach, z którymi pracuje.